Monday, February 3, 2014

Super Bowl Commercials Feature American Agriculture Again in 2014

Last night My Farmer, LP, MP and I hosted some of our friends over at our house to eat good food, hang out, and oh I guess watch a football game...  To tell you the truth, I'm not a NFL fan and could have cared less who won the game.  My favorite parts of the Super Bowl is that you get to eat good food, hang out with good friends and watch the million dollar commercials (literately, it is said that a 30 second Super Bowl commercial cost $4 million!)

It was great to see American Agriculture highlighted once again this year in a couple Super Bowl commercials.  Many people remember last year's Dodge - God Made A Farmer commercial and this year Chevy and took a turn spotlighting farmers.  So if you missed either or both of these commercials last night (maybe because like us we had 6 adults and 6 kids running around in our house) here you go:

Chevy's "Romance":

And if you want to see and learn more about the "behind the scenes" of this commercial, check out the farm mom who was featured in the commercial, Debbie Lyons-Blythe's blog, Life on a Kansas Cattle Ranch and this video.

What did you think of these two ads?  What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial?

Be sure to Comment for a Cause!


  1. Loved both of them but nothing can be better that last year's 'God Made A Farmer'.

    1. I would have to agree. I think the awareness that last year's "God Made A Farmer" commercial did was amazing and will probably be hard to top!

  2. Well heck---I missed both of those!!! But I wasn't watching every single second PLUS I turned over to Downton Abbey at 8. :-) I loved both of these but the Eligible Bachelor one definitely is my fav of these two. Thanks for sharing.

    1. There were some commercials I heard about on the TV and radio today that I missed too. You think you're watching all of them but then you get busy eating, talking, running after kids... It is nice that they all seem to be on YouTube after the Super Bowl though!

  3. I liked the "God Made a Farmer" one too but my favorite for this year was the Doritoes one with the girl riding on the dog.

    1. Doritos commercials are always good. I also liked the "Time Machine" Doritos commercial.
