Hopefully we're nearing the end of
Moving Up Monday updates! Our initial goal was to be in the house by the end of July and now our goal is the end of August.
We will be in the house by the end of the month - no if, ands or buts about it! I think by the last week of the month, the house really will be ready to move into.
Since the last report only three rooms have had any improvements made to them - the upstairs half bath, the downstairs main bath, and the mudroom/laundry room/office. Here is a look at how those rooms have changed:
Upstairs Half Bath
The upstairs half bath now has had its toilet, sink and many of the fixtures installed in it! The electricity and plumbing hasn't been officially turned on yet, but we almost have a functioning bathroom in the house now!
Here is our toilet in the upstairs half bath (Photo taken August 5, 2013) |
View of the bathroom from inside doorway Left to right - sink, toilet, built in storage (Photo taken August 11, 2013) |
Above the sink is the access to the attic and above the toilet is a sensor light and fan (Photo taken August 11, 2013) |
Medicine cabinet, pedestal sink and toilet (Photo taken August 11, 2013) |
Downstairs Main Bathroom
The Downstairs Bathroom is moving along nicely. We've had a few set backs including a cracked bath tub and realizing we never ordered a vanity counter top after changing our plans for the counter top at the beginning of the summer... But like I said, things are coming along nicely.
One of our plumbers working on the bath tub (Photo taken July 30, 2013) |
Bathroom walls mudded (Photo taken July 30, 2013) |
Bath tub installed and with other materials for bathroom being stored in it (Photo taken August 11, 2013) |
Bathroom walls are painted and the vanity is installed (Photo taken August 11, 2013) |
Mudroom/Laundry Room/Office
I love how this space has changed the flow and function of the house! I'm happy we turned the original laundry hallway that led no where and had lots of stuff just dumped off in it and the small bedroom with very little space into this large entry area with lots of storage!
Cabinets getting ready to be installed (Photo taken July 30, 2013) |
New walls being finished (Photo taken July 30, 2013) |
Our general contractor installing some of the office cabinets (Photo taken August 5, 2013) |
Walls are painted and everything is set for the washing machine and dryer to be installed along south wall (Photo taken August 11, 2013) |
Built in entry closet is finished (Photo taken August 11, 2013) |
Office cabinet installed. The open space is where a desk will be placed. (Photo taken August 11, 2013) |
Mudroom sink in entry way (Photo taken August 11, 2013) |
Other updates
I just had to share a few other photos from the last two weeks!
The heating and air guys working on the new vent system for our central air/heat. (Photo taken July 30, 2013) |
Looks like someone is tired during a shopping trip after church the other week - we had a cart full! (Photo taken July 21, 2013) |
Someone else was tired too as we got more paint and painting supplies (Photo taken July 21, 2013) |
We took an old tractor tire and put it in our side yard for a sandbox (Photo taken August 5, 2013) |
The sand will sift down over time... (Photo taken August 5, 2013) |
So there it is! Hopefully the next time I give an update in a couple of weeks the house will have all the flooring installed and work will have been done in the kitchen!
Check out how far we've come on our home remodel by checking out past "Moving Up Monday" reports: