Monday, August 1, 2016

Comments for a Cause - Family Village Farm

Comments for a Cause - Family Village Farm
Happy August 1st!  As a new month begins, so does the start of a new Comments for a Cause.  Before we get into details about this month's cause, let's go through last month's numbers.  Throughout the month of July there were 64 comments on my blog, creating a $32 donation to KaBOOM!  Thank you for helping me support this organization that works hard to support and inspire communities to "play."

In the month of August I'm excited to be donating $0.50 for every comment made on my blog to Global Ministries's Family Village Farm.

Comments for a Cause - Family Village Farm

The first week of August is a busy one for our family because it is also Vacation Bible School week!  I have enjoyed being involved in our community's Vacation Bible School program the last several years and am this year's program's director.  My favorite part of VBS is bringing together kids from multiple churches and towns to discover something new about Jesus and be inspired to help others.  Each year's VBS has a strong mission component, and this year's "Journey to India" program is highlighting Global Ministries's Family Village Farm.

Family Village Farm is a home and community for orphans and impoverished adults in Kasam, located in Southern India.  Families are formed of ten to twelve children, a mother and grandparents living together in a cottage.  There are usually around 150 to 200 children living at Family Village Farm, along with around 15 mothers and 15 grandparents.  Creating these families gives the children and adults opportunities, housing and support.

One opportunity for the resident children is that they're able to attend the school (elementary through high school program) located at Family Village Farm.  The school and activities on the farm, help teach the children skills that will enable them to be self-supporting in the future.

Along with the school located on Family Village Farm, there is a bakery, poultry farm, feed mixing unit and dairy.  The young boys help with tending crops and fruit trees, and the young girls sew school uniforms and hospital linens to help support the Family Village Farm.

Support through Global Ministries goes to providing food, clothing, education and training for the children.  Donations also assist with improvements and infrastructure needs such as restroom upgrades and buses to transport additional children and staff to the school.

So help me continue the efforts of our community's VBS program and comment all month long to support Global Ministries's Family Village Farm.  Did you help with your local VBS this year?  What program did you do?  Remember to Comment for a Cause!


  1. Another great cause, Val! I am sure this will be a great week for you but exhausting. VBS is so exhausting at times but so worth it. So glad you are able to help bring Jesus to more kids! Have fun.

    1. Thanks Beth Ann! VBS is definitely tiring but worth it. My niece is also staying at our house so she can go and we're picking up a neighbor girl too.

  2. Looks like a very good cause, Val -- we forget that many don't even have access to the most basic of needs. Good work!

  3. Wow, they are very lucky to have the opportunity to attend high school. It can be really important to remove those barriers (like transportation, repairs, and maintenance) that sometimes, though it may seem silly to us, prevent students from attending or families from sending them. Thanks for sharing Val hope VBS was great!

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