Tuesday, October 24, 2017

FFA: I Can. We Will.

The National FFA Convention officially starts tomorrow!  This was such a fun experience that I luckily got to experience twice while in high school.  It was at National FFA Convention that I first thought about agriculture beyond the corn and soybean fields of Iowa. 

FFA: I Can. We Will. Looking at this year's Convention Theme from the eye's of an Alumni
Attending FFA Convention in 2002 (I'm on the far left)
In recognition of this year's convention I wrote a post over at Blue Corduroy about this year's theme "I Can. We Will."  This was my first time writing a piece for this media outlet that shares everything about FFA, a youth organization that builds leadership skills, personal growth and career success in agriculture.

Be sure to check it out!  FFA: I Can. We Will

Were you in FFA?  Have you ever attending National FFA Convention?  Remember to Comment for a Cause!


  1. How fun! I'm headed over to check it out!

  2. Great writing! It's amazing how a national convention of like minded people can help you realize how you can take a concept you are interested in and make it your own. Contribute to you values by pursuing the dream in your own way.

  3. I attended the National FFA convention while I was in high school as well! It was such a memorable trip and not much can beat a room full of blue corduroy jackets coming together to connect and celebrate!
