Sunday, January 19, 2014

No more excuses

For the last week I feel like I have neglected my to-do list, including blogging, and I'm not sure why.  I remember the days where I use to get several of my to-do list items done daily, the days where I made time to talk and connect with friends, the days where I made my ideas a reality and not just another item on another list.  The thing is, I have probably felt this way for a little over a year.  When it all started I made the excuse that is was because I was pregnant.  And then after MP was born I made the excuse that is was because I had a little baby in the house.  And lately I've been telling myself that the excuse is because I have two kids two and under that I take care of all day, every day.  Well today starts not making any excuses for myself.  Today I join almost 40,000 other women from across the world in an online bible study from Proverbs 31 Ministries called Made to Crave.

I hope this online Bible study will help me stop making excuses and feel good about myself today.  I hope it will help me reach my goals and grow closer to God in the process.  I have never participated in an online Bible study before.  I look forward to it's flexibility to fit in my schedule and still have a community of others that I can connect with to share, pray and focus.

Made to Crave Proverbs 31 online Bible Study
My new bedside reading material

If you are interested in joining the Made to Crave Bible study stop making excuses and join today.  If you don't have the book yet, you can read the materials online.

Are you participating in the Made to Crave Bible study?  Have you ever participated in an online Bible study before?  I know a couple other women participating in the study and would love to hear from some more!

P31 OBS Blog Hop


  1. Hi! Your link was the one right before mine on the blog hop, so I just wanted to stop and say hello! I can relate to your post...I have been having a little trouble getting motivated too! I am excited about our journey! Lots of blessings to you!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I'm excited to have the support and motivation to accomplish my goals and the network of empowered women is amazing. Blessings to you too.

  2. Sadly, I've had this book on my Kindle for a LOOOONNNNNGGG time and still have never read it. :-)

    1. Jenni, you should join the Proverbs 31 Bible study then! It is free and I truly think the resources and materials they make available will help me stay motivated and empowered.

  3. I am participating, and I am very excited about it!

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