Sunday, September 20, 2015

Be Safe on the Roads this Harvest

Be Safe on the Roads this Harvest - National Farm Safety and Health Week, September 20-26
Fall is my favorite time of the year.  The trees are changing colors, I have an excuse to eat pumpkin treats, and we harvest our crops that we’ve worked all year on.  As corn and soybean harvest begins in Iowa, please remember to be safe and slow down, as activity is increased throughout the countryside and on the roadways.  There are a few ways that both farmers and drivers can be prepared for harvest, as we celebrate National Farm Safety and Health Week, September 20-26.

Farmers have been working hard the last month to get all of their equipment ready for this busy season.  Part of getting our equipment ready for the field is also making sure our equipment is ready for the roadway.  Make sure that breaks and lights work, and that slow moving vehicle signs are attached.  

Be Safe on the Roads this Harvest - National Farm Safety and Health Week, September 20-26
Be aware and on the look for both large equipment and vehicles on the road.  Between tall corn, hills, and dusty roads, everyone needs to be prepared for oncoming traffic.  If everyone would use some caution and courtesy during this time of year, we can help reduce accidents.

Because visibility can be limited this time of year, farmers should consider having an escort vehicle to help call attention of farm equipment coming down the road.  This helps everyone share the road safely.

I hope everyone has a safe and fun fall, as we enjoy everything that makes this season so great!  What is your favorite thing about the fall season?  Remember to Comment for a Cause!


  1. Thanks for the reminders for everyone. Not everyone drives in the country a lot and it's a hard lesson if you have an accident. I always think if you need to get there fast, take the interstate, larger highways. I took a trip this weekend and saw harvesting starting. Seems like yesterday the field was just sprouting. Enjoy the pumpkin treats, you need to keep your strength up between the little people and your farming duties.

    1. It is amazing how much harvest has ramped up in just the last week and a half. Everyone needs to be extra attentive on all roads!

  2. Thanks for the reminders! I used to feel so impatient but understand how hard you are working now. Wishing you a happy and safe harvest!

  3. Great reminders for everyone! I spend a lot of time on the road for work and it is always fun to see the changing landscape this time of year. Harvest always seems to go so quick from my perspective, I am sure it feels a bit different from yours!

    1. Yeah, I don't think I'd ever say harvest goes by quickly, but the days go by quick. Nonetheless, it is my favorite time of year!

  4. I'm so thankful for all you have taught me about farming. I love fall too and have a new and very cool respect for farmers and all they do!

    1. That makes me smile Donna! Let me know if you want a tractor ride this fall!

  5. It's always exciting for us non-farmers to see all the combines in the fields and see how hard at work all of the farmers are. It is a great time of year but also can be dangerous if we don't pay attention. Thanks for the reminders!

    1. It is good for all of us, farmers and drivers, to remember. Thanks for commenting Beth Ann!

  6. We all seem to need these reminders from time to time. Farmers have so much on their minds this time of year that a little reminder is a good thing. Thanks for linking up to the Country Fair Blog Party this month!

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