Tuesday, November 10, 2020

6 Week Holiday Checklist + FREE Printable

The holiday season is full of fun, laughter and good times with family and friends.  And if you let it, the holidays can be full of stress too.  I have always been a planner, and I like to think that my family and friends appreciate that.  So I'm sharing my 6 Week Holiday Checklist that helps me stay organized and enjoy the holidays!

6 Week Holiday Checklist + FREE Printable

Download a FREE Printable of my 6 Week Holiday Checklist
to help you stay organized and enjoy the holiday season

Harvest has wrapped up for our family so now I'm turning my attention to the upcoming holidays.  Every year I make my weekly holiday checklist to help me stay organized over the next several weeks. This way I don't feel overwhelmed by everything that needs to happen during the timeframe and hopefully be able to sit back and enjoy this blessed time of year with my family more.

I am looking forward to hosting our family's Thanksgiving this year and to make sure I'm ready, I already got a head start on my checklist by finalizing my Thanksgiving menu and have bought some of my Thanksgiving groceries.  Another thing I did this week was clean my pantry and refrigerator.  This is a good thing to do every holiday season, especially if you're hosting any parties.  By going through my pantry and refrigerator I have been able to take inventory of baking items and needs, as well as all of the special editions you need this time of year like crackers, chocolates, holiday paper products, and holiday drink supplies.  It also frees up space for all of the extra food that will be in my house for holiday dinners.

To get a more in depth version of each week, as well as some of my favorite holiday recipes check out:

I hope you all have a great holiday season and that my 6 Week Holiday Checklist helps you keep the thanks in Thanksgiving, the cheer in Christmas and holiday stress far away!  What tips or tricks do you have to add to help make the holidays easier?

And if you want to learn more holiday tips, tricks and recipes, be sure to join the CommonGround Iowa Holiday Ladies Linked Week over on Facebook, November 16-November 20, 2020.  I'll be sharing more about my checklist, as well as holiday pie tips and taking everyone on a tour of a Christmas Tree Farm.  It is going to be a lot of fun and there will be some great giveaways too!


  1. I need all of the help I can get to get organized this year! Thanks for the checklist!

    1. You're welcome! I have it printed off and hanging on my fridge!

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