Thursday, October 12, 2023

10 Things I'm Grateful for this Harvest

In honor of National Farmers Day and going on week four of Harvest 2023, I took some time to write down what I'm grateful for this harvest. This time of year is very busy, but it is a good practice to take some time to reflect and be thankful for the blessings this season brings.

10 Things I'm Grateful for this Harvest

  1. Beautiful weather that has allowed us to get lots of work done each week.
  2. Speaking of weather, that sweatshirt weather has arrived, yet not Carhartt jacket weather.
  3. That we have a great, veteran harvest crew that works well together. Thank you to all of our employees!
  4. A special thanks to our friend Kyla who prepares and delivers all of our field meals. One of the best decisions I made several years ago was hiring her. I appreciate the delicious meals and snacks that keep us going on these long days.
  5. Harvest sunset our in the field. There really is nothing more beautiful.
  6. Quiet time in my tractor that allows me to grow closer to Our Creator.
  7. My mom, friends and neighbors who help with transportation of our kids when we're busy in the field.
  8. For independent, responsible kids who do a great job of keeping things up on the home front.
  9. Another thanks for leftovers from Kyla's field meals, Chilled Freezer Meals, our breakfast sandwich make and pb&js for keeping our kids fed at home.
  10. For possibly doing our best job yet of balancing being there for our kids and having them understand that farming is our livelihood.

And bonus! Being able to do this life with my best friend by my side. Thanks to my husband for being my partner in life in so many ways!

What are you grateful for today?

10 Things I'm Grateful for this Harvest


  1. Val, Thanks for the update on your harvest 2023! Judy and I appreciate hearing from you and everyone else! Mark

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