Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Why You Should Go to a Cross Country Meet

Today marks the end of our son’s second year of cross country, and I have to admit - before he participated, I had never been to a meet in my life. But after these two seasons, I’ve truly fallen in love with the sport, the environment and everything that comes with it. There’s something special about XC meets that sets them apart from other sports and I’m here to tell you why you should experience one for yourself.

Why You Should Go to a Cross Country Meet
Photo by Molly Bird
Our son is in the middle of the pack in the red & black jersey

1. Every Athlete Gets to Participate

One of the most wonderful things about cross country is that all athletes, no matter their shape, size, or ability, get to participate. There's no bench in this sport. Every runner gets a chance to compete, making it incredibly inclusive. The emphasis isn’t just on winning - it's about personal improvement and growth. As each athlete works to beat their own personal record, they’re also contributing to the team's overall success.

2. It’s All About Doing Your Best

Cross country is both an individual and a team sport at the same time. When an athlete improves, the entire team benefits. And here's the best part: people truly want you to do your best. Whether you're in first place or running with the middle or back of the pack, the energy is always encouraging. It’s not about “us vs. them” - it's about everyone supporting one another to finish strong.

3. Get Ready to Cheer

As a spectator, you're not just there to sit back - you’ll often find yourself going to different spots along the course to cheer on your runner, their teammates and even other schools’ athletes. At an XC meet, you’ll hear encouragement for the first runner to the last runner. And you’ll see support not just from the crowd, but it's been great to see other student athletes, cheerleaders and even drumlines come out to rally the racers.

4. Be Amazed by the Athletes

The dedication these athletes show is incredible. Week after week, they’re running miles in practice and pushing themselves at meets. You’ll witness kids setting personal records and sometimes even breaking course records. It’s amazing to watch their progress unfold before your eyes.

5. The Most Encouraging Atmosphere

I know I keep pointing at this, but I’ve never been to such an encouraging sporting event. No matter where you look, people are lifting one another up. Spectators, coaches, teammates - everyone is there to motivate the runners to keep going, finish strong, and give their best effort.

Why You Should Go to a Cross Country Meet

There’s truly nothing like the atmosphere at a Cross Country meet, where encouragement and perseverance meet every step of the way. So, if you get the chance, grab a spot along the course and cheer on these incredible athletes. You won’t regret it!


  1. Val, I liked your article on XC! I was wondering if Klayton was participating this year and I’m glad that he has competed in this sport this year.
    I know that Judy and I were glad we got to see a meet last year!

    1. It is his favorite sport and he's planning on going out again next year!
