Monday, January 16, 2012

Farmer's Continuing Education

Earlier today My Farmer, LP and I participated in some "farmer continuing education" by attending an area crop clinic.  The winter time offers a lot of opportunities for farmers to learn more about marketing strategies, to new trait development, to agronomy trial results.  There were a couple hundred farmers at the crop clinic we attended today ranging from 80 years old to 20 years old (or 10 months if you count LP!).

My Farmer and I really enjoyed listening to Ken Ferrie talk about nitrogen management.  After today's presentations we are considering changing and modifying some of our current nitrogen management practices on our farm.  It is always a lot of fun to attend meetings like this when we have time because you get to learn new things, meet new people and talk with old friends.  Today's meeting was also very special to me because all three of us - My Farmer, LP and I were able to attend.  To be able to have some family time together was an added bonus to today's crop clinic benefits!

1 comment:

  1. As we know, the agriculture field is constantly evolving with new technologies. That's why it's so crucial for farmers to stay informed on the latest developments. And I think by investing in ongoing education; Farmers can improve their skills, boost their productivity, and ensure that they provide the best possible care for their crops and livestock. By: Assignment Writing Help
