Thursday, April 27, 2023

From the Farm Field to the Softball Field

From the Farm Field to the Softball Field, it's the time of year that takes a lot of patience, innovation and heart as both a farmer and a coach.

From the Farm Field to the Softball Field

No matter which field I'm in, I'm always hoping for good weather. Rain days cause delays in both and a day with sunshine and just a little breeze is the best.

Out in the farm field we are always trying new genetics or management practices to yield the best results. Out on the softball diamond as a coach, I'm always trying new drills to teach the girls the game and build their skills.

And I wouldn't be doing either if I didn't have a love for agriculture and my community. Being a farmer and a coach is not for the faint of heart and requires a passion to endure season after season. One of my favorite parts of springtime is that I get to do both and I wouldn't want it any other way!

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