LP kissing the MP baby bump |
- How far along? 31 weeks down - 9 to go!
- Baby size: Pineapple
- Baby milestone: All of the baby's five senses are working and major brain and nerve development is happening.
- Share a little of your birth plan: We're planning on letting the baby come when the baby is ready to come. Also, I plan on probably just taking some pain medications and not an epidural. With LP's labor, it happened so fast I didn't have the chance to even have any pain medications at all - he arrived 24 minutes after we checked into the hospital! It'd be nice if MP came just as fast!
- Are you going to do anything different this time during your hospital stay then you did with LP's? I'm planning on bringing books to read to MP right away. LP loves being read to and reading himself, so I want to start reading to the baby in the hospital. Also, I am going to try to sleep as much as possible. With LP I didn't want to miss anything and was busy talking with lots of people either in person, on the phone, through social media, etc. This time I think I'll try to simply rest more.
- Talking birth plans, what is your plan for LP while you're in the hospital? Luckily for me, my Mom is a professor and doesn't have any summer classes or programs close to the due date, so she is planning on coming up to our place to help with LP. I'm thinking I'll probably have LP visit the hospital once or twice a day.
- Have you been having any Braxton Hicks contractions yet? Yes, I just started having some Braxton Hicks contractions in the last week. I had them with LP too and I just figure that they mean my body is preparing for MP to arrive!
- How's sleeping going? It has been going okay. Sometimes it takes me awhile to get comfortable and for that, I'm thankful I have a body pillow!
- Food Cravings: Nothing too much again. I'd say my appetite is pretty minimal. If anything I've just been making sure I've been drinking plenty of water.
- Emotions: Pretty happy go lucky. Other than that, I feel like I'm a little behind working on some things because I can get fatigued in the morning and afternoon and then at night it can be hard to find ambition...
What questions do you have for me about my pregnancy or about being pregnant for the second time?
I remember letting the baby stay in the nursery over-night so I could have a full night sleep with Baby #3... the nurses thought I needed the rest with two little ones at home. By the next day I felt I had been at the hospital forever and was ready to go home, until the nurses informed me that I had been there less than 24 hours and I could go home, but the baby had to stay!
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