Friday, April 5, 2013

#UBP13 Blog Party!

So, at the beginning of the year one of my blog goals was to promote my blog more through social media and to utilize followers, so that is why I am linking up with 5 Minutes for Mom's 2013 Ultimate Blog Party!

Me driving tractor during this fall's corn and soybean harvest
Welcome any new readers from the #UBP13!  My name is Val.  I wear multiple hats, like many Moms do, but the most important two are being a stay-at-home Mom to a two-year old boy referred to as LP and a soon to be Baby #2 referred to as MP, who will bring our family to a total of four in a couple of months, and I'm a farmer who raises corn, soybeans and pork with my husband referred to as My Farmer - which brings it all together in my blog name:  Corn, Beans, Pigs and Kids.

My Farmer, LP and Me (with MP in my belly) last month on our farm
I started blogging as a New Year's Resolution in 2012 and I'm always looking on how to do more and reach more people with my blogging and social media in general.  My blogs mainly consists of things either family or farm oriented.  I have to admit, when I started blogging I'm pretty sure the only people that followed my blog were my family and close friends.  Soon I started getting followed by other farmers and now I have really enjoyed meeting other Moms through blogging!

To find out more, check out the rest of my blog and my About Me section!  Besides my blog you can also follow me on my blog's Facebook page, on Twitter and on Pinterest.  I'm excited to be participating in my first Blog Party and Link-Up!


  1. Congrats! I hope you are having a happy and healthy 9 months. Found you through the ultimate blog party.

    1. Thanks and yes - this pregnancy has been going well and for that I am very thankful and grateful! I'll be sure to check your blog out too.

  2. Hi Val, by the title of your blog, I had a feeling you were from Iowa. North central, anywhere near Mason City? I lived there in the 90's and visit often. You will have a great time at your first party!

    1. I actually only live 30 minutes from Mason City and go there to shop and run errands. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Wow - saw your comment on Facebook. I'm in Iowa too - Des Moines area. I will be checking out your blog. Visiting from the UBP - have fun at the party!

    1. Always great to find another Iowa blogger! I've enjoyed checking out your blog - thanks for checking out mine.

  4. It'll grow bigger in no time! One thing I have a hard time with, is that people will flock to bloggers who talk about fashion, nail polish and clothes...yet farmers like us are slow and steady with growing our blogs. Apparently people don't care about where their food comes from ;) I saw a bumper sticker that said "Agriculture: Because starvation sucks!"

    1. So the bumper sticker you saw - I know how you can get one!

      The comedian Damian Mason, who I've seen a couple of times, sells those bumper stickers and t-shirts. My farmer has one of the t-shirts!

  5. Thanks for checking out my blog - heading to your blog now!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog during the party - I'm a little slow catching up :)

    You have a beautiful family!

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